Friday, April 2, 2010

Maundy Thursday on April Fool's Day

Maundy Thursday on April Fool's Day, how ironic. How very appropriate. What a sense of humor God has. Maybe, just maybe, the first Easter took place on April 1st. What a great trick to play on the betrayer, on the Council and Herod, on Pilate, and on sin and death.

Taint the heart of the betrayer. Weaken the faith of the denier. Scatter the others. Mock the King of Kings and sentence Him to death on the most heinous, agonizing means of death possible. Jam a crown of thorns on His head and hang Him out to die.

Oh, how sin and death must have been laughing. Oh, how Satan must have been rejoicing. With the final words of Jesus and the sealing of HIs body in the tomb, the party began. While a few mourned, the company of hell partied hardy. The victory celebration was like none any of the hounds of hell had ever experienced.

High fives, ataboys, singing, dancing, reveling in their moment went on for three days. It was the party of the millennium, maybe even the party of all time and space. But while they were distracted, while they were doing the bunny hop, the stone slowly, quietly rolled from in front of the tomb.

As the sun began to rise, as the birds began to sing, as the women approached the tomb, God laughed the greatest laugh of all time and the whole heavenly host shouted "April Fools! He's Alive. Christ Is Risen. " Sin and death had been defeated, once and for all, on that great getting up morning we know as Easter.

1 comment:

  1. It's Friday, but Sunday is comin'!

    Have a blessed Easter, Billy.
