Friday, April 2, 2010

The sky is crying . . .

It's Good Friday. "The sky is crying . . . Can't you see the tears roll down the street."

Here it is Good Friday and it just started to rain. God is once again expressing the mood and feelings of the day. How does a parent watch a child give away the most precious gift of all, life, for ungrateful, unrepentant, thick-headed, hard hearted slobs like us without crying. I think the reason the skies opened up and it turned dark as midnight in the middle of the day is because God couldn't watch.

God tried to watch but in the end, as Jesus was dying on the cross, God had to turn away. God couldn't stand to watch. The agony, though it would become ecstasy later in the resurrection, was too much even for God to bear.

God turned away and at that very moment, Jesus felt it and cried, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" In the midst of the rain, there was a loud clap of thunder and a streak of lightening expressing God's anger and despair. At that moment, Jesus said: "It is finished" and breathed His last.

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