In doing a little searching (without actually buying the book) I discovered what Walsch’s Nine Changes That Can Change Everything are:
1.) Change your decision to “go it alone”
2.) Change your choice of emotions
3.) Change your choice of thoughts
4.) Change your idea of truths
5.) Change your idea about Change itself
6.) Change your idea about why Change occurs
7.) Change your idea about future Change
8.) Change your idea about life
9.) Change your identity
As I looked at those I realized that the most important ones are 5, 6 & 7. Most of us don't like change but just like the sign in the Ziggy cartoon, the one constant in life is change. Everything DOES change. And when we admit that we realize that it's not our fault or anyone else's. There is no one to blame. It's just part of life. And if we understand that one point, that change happens, it will change our idea about future Change. It will actually strengthen us for future change. And that will change our lives and our identity.
I found the title intriguing because I was moving and everything was changing; address, people, styles of Worship, committees etc, etc. It reminded me to be flexible. It reminded me of John 16:33 from The Message "I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world."
It reminded me that with Jesus in the lead, change isn't bad; and that the only way I can become less so Jesus can become more in my life is to "change." It reminded me to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Mostly it reminded me to look at the move as on opportunity to "change" some habits.
While I've felt I've had a good prayer and study life, I wanted more. So, I have changed some of those prayer and study habits and have been more than amazed at the difference. I've also changed some eating habits and exercise habits. I've lost 12 pounds. Everything has changed but it has been good and refreshing and exciting because besides "change" there is one other constant in the universe. God.
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