Everyone knows what a "Good Samaritan" is. They may not know the parable but they know what a "Samaritan" is. Isn't it amazing how Jesus redeemed a group of outcasts in their own society and connected their name to a random act of kindness for perpetuity? What an awesome God we have.
The Samaritan, what if we had no need for the Samaritan to show up. Let me share with you a modern version of the parable as I saw it played out this past Sunday. (Please note as we begin, that I'm not bragging, just observing.)
Sunday was meeting day. Council on Ministries and Administrative Board, plus the youth were having their District Youth Leadership Team join them. I arrived at church about 15 minutes before the meeting to make copies of the minutes from another meeting which that chairperson had asked me to share because they couldn't be there. As I drove up I noticed three people sitting in the Pre-School playground next to the church offices. At first I didn't recognize them but as I got closer I realized that one of the people was one of our youth who has already declared for ministry. At first I didn't recognize the young man with her but it turned out be the son of one of the clergy in our District, he too is answering God's call in his life. And he is part of the Student Leadership Team.
As I got out of my truck these two young people made their way over to see me. The were accompanied by a man I'd never seen before but they introduced him to me, told me his story and then asked if we could help. It turns out he was there when they drove up and these two young people got to know him, shared scripture and prayed with him until I got there. At that moment, for just a second, I almost became the Priest and the Levite in the parable as I thought about being late to the meeting. Thank God it only lasted a second. I invited or guest into the office where we talked.
Then I drove him to a motel, purchased a room for the night and checked him in. We then went to one of the local establishments and got him supper. I found out quite a bit about this man in those 40 - 45 minutes. I don't really know what put him on the road to begin with, he was making his way to another city by way of the thumb. But he was very appreciative of the help and the kindness with which he was treated.
When I finally made it back for the meeting, the young woman came rushing up to greet me and apologize for interrupting my going to the meeting. Of course I told her she didn't really. And I thanked her for her ministry with this man. It was extremely exciting to see two young people "living" the gospel. They reminded an old geezer of a preacher how to live that parable.
I finally made it to the meeting. They caught me up real quick and those who didn't know where I was asked. I simply told them, "I was getting Jesus a room for the night and a meal."
So, the modern interpretation would be this. A certain man was traveling from one small town to another when he fell on hard times. "No food, no lodging, no hope," so he decided to stop and rest in front of a local church. As he rested, two students of the ministry, on their way to a meeting, saw the stranger and asked if he needed help. The man explained his situation, "no food, no lodging, no hope." Neither of the young people had the means to help but they waited with him, praying and reading Scripture together while getting to know their "guest."
A certain pastor was running late and in a hurry while on his way to a meeting, when he was greeted by the two students of the ministry and their "guest." The pastor heard the predicament of this man "no food, no lodging, no hope" and made arrangements for lodging and food. And on the way to the lodging discovered that those simple acts of kindness had given the man hope.
What happened to the Samaritan? We don't know if a Samaritan came by or not, because the two students of the ministry and the pastor were so engaged in ministry with thier "guest" that they didn't have time to notice who else showed up.
We never know when Jesus is going to show up or what condition he will be in. However, we do know that if we treat everyone who comes to our door with diginity and respect, as if he or she were Jesus himself, we won't ever be caught off guard. Thank you Jesus for riding your thumb through our community and letting us share in your life, if only for a short time.
Great reminder, Billy. Thanks.